The most expensive dog in the world

самая дорогая собака в мире

Every person who has decided to get a dog understands that for any puppy, unless it is taken from the street, you will have to pay a certain amount of money. The amount depends on the breed of puppy, its origin, demand for this breed, etc. That is why most future dog owners start thinking about the cost of a particular breed and what is the most expensive dog in the world before buying.

Dogs can be pedigreed or not so well. Even a rare breed can be picked up from the shelter completely free of charge, and for the same puppy from the breeder you will have to pay dearly. However, there are actually very expensive dogs in the world, the cost of a puppy of such breeds can reach up to several hundred thousand dollars.

TOP most expensive breeds

The most expensive dog in the world is the Tibetan Mastiff, starting at $ 2,200. The breed has the following features::

  • rather large dimensions, so they are chosen mainly by owners of large country houses;
  • the dog is very sociable, loves small children;
  • for the maintenance of this breed, special conditions are required, characterized by significant financial investments.

The Tibetan mastiff has above-average intelligence, is quite aggressive, has good health and a high level of learning ability.

The breed’s country of origin is Tibet, as the name implies. By nature, dogs are self-confident, calm, you can rely on them. Aggression without a reason is not peculiar to them, they are independent and communicate with the owner on equal terms. If the puppy of the most expensive dog grows up in a house where other animals are present, he will continue to love them and constantly protect them. However, if an animal appears in the house when the mastiff is already an adult, there may be conflicts between them.

Owning the most expensive dog breed in the world is considered a sign of the owner’s high status, so buying a puppy can cost from 2 to 8 thousand dollars. The price of a puppy with an excellent pedigree can reach up to 10,000 US dollars.

what is the most expensive dog in the world?

In second place in the top of the most expensive dogs is the English Bulldog, the price of a puppy starts from $ 2000. These dogs are quite noisy, can snore at night, have a stubborn character, are lazy, may even refuse to go for a walk and the owner is unlikely to be able to force them.

English bulldogs are often overweight, as they have a great appetite. With all its disadvantages-low motor activity, salivation, the presence of smell, gas formation, the English Bulldog pleases its owners and everyone around it with funny behavior and its appearance.

In third place is a rottweiler, the cost of puppies-from 1800 dollars. These dogs prefer cool climates and feel uncomfortable in the heat. They recognize the owner as the main one, they must be trained, otherwise they can be dangerous to others. If you’ve never owned a dog, don’t start with this breed.

Rottweiler is a fighting breed, the dog will protect its owner to the last. For all its aggressiveness in a home environment, the dog becomes good-natured and affectionate.

The list of expensive breeds also includes the Yorkshire Terrier, which has hunting habits and does not tolerate cats; Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – a cheerful dog, especially loving small children, adoring affection and never falling into depression; Bichon Frise, who gets along well with people and loves communication, this dog does not shed, so it is perfect for allergy sufferers.

Whatever breed you choose, the main thing is to love your pet, take care of it and adhere to all the recommendations of the breeder of the breed.

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