Energy audit – what is it?


An energy audit of an object is called an energy audit. Usually, this procedure is carried out in order to find out whether energy resources are being spent efficiently by the subject or not. At the end of the audit, experts suggest an action plan that can be used to reduce energy consumption costs.

Enterprises undergo a survey of the energy system in order to know exactly how valuable energy resources are spent. The specialist who performs this procedure can tell you about the technical condition of the power system, show its problem areas, as well as name unreasonable waste of resources, and offer options for eliminating the detected shortcomings.

Thus, the purpose of an audit in the energy sector is to assess the actual energy consumption of the subject, identify opportunities for energy conservation, develop a strategy that will help eliminate power losses, etc.

Who should pass the energy audit?

This event is mandatory for budget, production and other companies whose work is directly related to the generation or transportation of energy resources. As a rule, the inspection of power systems in the above-mentioned organizations should be carried out 1 time within 5 years. Organizations that are not included in the list can go through the procedure on a voluntary basis whenever they want.

An energy audit involves performing specific procedures. Specialists will have to find the energy balance, detail energy consumption, detect existing losses, etc. In addition, they calculate opportunities for energy saving, as well as select programs that will help achieve maximum energy efficiency, and give advice on improving the company’s energy system as a whole.

Where can I order an energy audit?

Today, this service is offered by companies, entrepreneurs and private individuals who are members of the SRO in the field of energy inspections. If the procedure is carried out by an organization, then at least 4 employees with the qualification of an energy auditor should work in its staff. Compliance with the qualification requirements must be confirmed by a document of the educational institution.

Upon completion of the work, the energy auditor is obliged to issue the customer a package of documents, which consists of an energy passport, a report on the work performed, proposals for reducing energy consumption costs and improving the efficiency of their use. If you were not given the above documents, then the object may not have been examined by a professional. To avoid such situations and waste of time and money, carefully study the activities of a potential contractor-documents, qualifications, experience, customer reviews, etc.

If the energy audit is still in your plans, we advise you to contact our company. Employees perform all work on new equipment, the accuracy of which is certified by the standardization and metrology authorities. This means that the results obtained during the measurements will be 100% reliable. Our specialists will help you build an efficient power system for the entire enterprise.

Energy surveys are just one of the services provided by our company. Customers can pass an express check with us. The Company complies with the norms established by law. The cost of the service is affected by its volume, and its size is fixed immediately in the contract.

If desired, the company can pass a thermal imaging survey, information on the verification will be collected in a separate report. This document will provide a list of measurements made and their evaluation, as well as recommendations for eliminating the identified shortcomings.

The company has been engaged in energy inspection of enterprises for many years, so it knows firsthand what procedures need to be carried out in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency at enterprises, regardless of the specifics of their activities.

Our advantages:

– extensive experience in the energy sector;

– high degree of professionalism;

– creating a smart energy supply strategy;

– compliance with the qualification requirements.

If you have any questions, the company’s specialists are ready to provide explanations. They can also make a preliminary calculation of the cost of the service, based on the declared amount of work.

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