Reliability rating of European banks

европейские банки

Nowadays, many modern people worry about what the future holds for them. They worry not only about their family, but also about their property and accumulated capital. Of course, you may also meet people who are not at all worried about their financial well-being. Most of them are experts in this field, who even in the event of a loss, will be able to easily earn money.

No one wants to lose their money, so people are looking for the most reliable financial institutions that will help save their capital. These organizations include European banks.

If you often listen to the news, you should know that bank secrecy is no longer respected in Switzerland. Your actions can be monitored by authorized bodies. Of course, it is unpleasant to realize this fact. However, despite this, banks in Europe are considered the most reliable.

Below you can find the rating of European banks. When compiling the list, the following information was taken into account::

  • size of the institution,
  • financial assets,
  • participation in ratings of leading analytical organizations in Europe.

If earlier many people believed that Switzerland is a legendary country where you can hide from tax audits, now the situation is completely different. In our rating, only one bank out of ten is located on the territory of this state.

How to choose a Bank of Europe?

reliability rating of European banks

There are situations when a person urgently needs to open an account with one of the European banks. Implementing this event is not as easy as it may seem in reality. Opening an account somewhere in Germany or Switzerland no longer seems like a fantastic idea to residents of the former Soviet Union. Both legal entities and individuals may need financial services from foreign banking institutions. The latter apply to a foreign bank if they want to save their savings, or they live outside their country. Entrepreneurs cooperate with European banks to enter the foreign market.

If earlier banks fought for each client and provided them with the most favorable conditions, now the situation has radically changed. To use the services of foreign banks, it is necessary to make considerable efforts. But even difficult conditions do not deter citizens of the former Soviet Union. In addition, the benefits that a private or corporate client receives more than compensate for any inconvenience.

Below is a list of the most reliable banking institutions.

Ratings of European banks

ratings of European banks

Rabobank closes the list. This organization is located in the Netherlands. The main activity of this banking institution is financing projects in the food industry and the agricultural sector. This bank has a large number of licensees and offices. In the fall, the management of the institution agreed to pay a fine that was imposed for manipulating the interbank LIBOR rate.

best banks in europe

On the ninth place is locatedLuxembourg Bank-Banque et Caisse d’Epargne de l’etat. It is also known as S-Bank. The organization was founded back in 1856. It belongs to the Government of this country. Initially, the institution was a savings bank. However, in 1944, the functionality was expanded.

german banks rating

The eighth place is occupied by German NRW.Bank. This organization is located in North Rhine-Westphalia. Previously, this bank was the largest in Germany and was one of the top three European banks. Now the situation has changed radically.

european banks rating

In seventh place is the French bank Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. It was founded in 1816. It belongs to State institutions and is subordinate to the Parliament. The organization was created by order of King Louis XVIII. The Bank was created to eliminate the consequences of the economic crisis and war.

rating of German banks

The sixth place is occupied byNederlandse Waterschapsbank. As you guessed from the name, it is located in the Netherlands. This organization is the main provider of financial services in the public sector. The bank provides loans for various government agencies, including healthcare, construction, education, etc.

The top five banks in Europe are opened by L-Bank, which is located in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is not so easy to find information about this banking institution, as it is available only on the official website of the bank and only in German.

European banks

To the largest banksGermany belongs to the Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank. It is located in the fourth position. Most of the loans are issued for the development of the agricultural sector. Farmers can get short-term loans from this bank. This organization receives the highest credit ratings from leading analytics companies. The bank was established in 1949 in the city of Frankfurt. The profit that remains unallocated is directed to the agricultural sector. In fact, this organization pays a debt to those who founded it.

major European banks

The sole representative of Switzerland is Zürcher Kantonalbank. It occupies the third position in our rating of European banks. This organization is one of the five largest banks in the country. All shares are owned by the Canton of Zurich. This bank has representative offices in China, India and Singapore.

The second place in our rating is occupied by Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten. This organization is one of the largest banks in the Netherlands. Part of the bank is owned by the Government, and part is owned by the provinces and the municipality. The institution is located in The Hague.

rating of European banks

Today, the most reliable bank in the world is Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau. This German state organization belongs to 20 percent of the Federal lands, the rest of it is placed at the disposal of the German government. Despite the fact that the bank suffered serious losses in 2008, it still managed to survive and regain its former position.

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