Where can I see photos of the most expensive dishes in the world?

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In many expensive restaurants, there are real delicacies for wealthy people. Dishes can be meat, fish, vegetarian. Do not forget about all your favorite fast food, desserts and all kinds of salads. Of course, there is much more meat in the list of dishes of expensive restaurants.

Currently, beluga caviar tops the top 10 most expensive dishes in the world. The most expensive variety of caviar is served as a delicacy in one of the restaurants in London. Serve this delicacy in a jar, completely covered with precious metal. The cost of two hundred grams of delicacy is 10 thousand dollars.

Do you like desserts? We present to your attention ice cream, the cost of which is 25 thousand dollars. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it contains 20 varieties of cocoa. On top of the dessert is decorated with whipped cream and the most expensive kind of chocolate. The delicacy is served in a golden glass. The treat should be eaten with a golden spoon. After the customer has eaten everything, they can take the dishes with them.

the most expensive dishes of the name

An honorable third place is taken by dumplings, which are prepared in the Golden Gates restaurant. Minced meat is prepared from salmon, veal and pork meat, and also added to the fish torch. It is this unusual addition that gives the dish a greenish-blue hue. One serving of dumplings costs $ 2,400. If you decide to order two servings, and this is only 16 dumplings, then you will receive a discount.

the most expensive dumplings

In our list of the most expensive dishes in the world, the fourth place is occupied by a vegetarian dish-white truffles. The cost of these mushrooms is determined through an auction. Sometimes the price can reach $ 7,500 for one mushroom.

The dish of marbled beef from Wagyu cows, which is grown in Japan, is in fifth place. This meat is the most expensive, since special conditions and care are created for these animals. Only fresh and juicy grass is delivered to the cows every day. In addition, their diet includes beer and sake. Two hundred grams of this fillet can vary from 100 to 1000 dollars.

The most expensive salad “Florette Sea&Earth” costs 800 euros. To prepare it, you will need beluga caviar, lobster, crab, truffles and other expensive products. Of course, the recipe also contains simple ingredients, such as sweet peppers and potatoes, but in this case they do not play a significant role.

Do you want to try the most expensive pizza? Take all the most expensive products, put them on the dough and put them in the oven. That’s it! To prepare the most expensive pizza, chefs use red and black caviar, lobsters, lobsters and other ingredients, sprinkle expensive cheese on top. The price of the dish is 8300 euros.

In New York, the restaurant “Industry Kitchen” offers pizza for 1,880 euros, it is called “24K”. The pizza looks like a margarita, but it’s actually decorated with truffles, Stilton cheese from England, foie gras from France, caviar from the Caspian Sea, edible flowers and 24-karat gold leaves from Ecuador.

Located just off Wall Street, the restaurant aims to reflect the area’s rich clientele. “24K” must be ordered two days in advance. Since the appearance of this dish in the restaurant menu, 20 pieces have been sold in two months.

In France, expensive restaurants buy potatoes for 500 euros per 1 kilogram. In their opinion, the variety “La Bonnotte” has an unusual taste. It is grown on the Atlantic island of Noirmoutier, and lovers of this potato note its unique creamy taste. As for ordinary people, we can hardly understand how you can pay such money for potatoes.

the most expensive dishes in the world

Can you imagine that a person started eating gold? It’s hard to believe, but millionaires love the golden cheese “Clawson White Stilton Gold Cheese”, which can be tasted in England. Cheese covered with edible golden flakes and soaked in golden liqueur, it has a special shine and looks very beautiful. Gourmets pay 70 euros per 100 grams for this delicacy. To date, the manufacturer no longer produces this type of cheese.

The signature dish from Japan is puffer fish. It can only be prepared and served by specially trained chefs, otherwise the pleasure can be fatal. Anyone who wants to try this fish without risking their health pays 250 euros per kilogram.

Also in Japan, there is another delicacy — matsutake mushrooms. They are valued here as a medicinal remedy and culinary ingredient for more than 1000 years. This mushroom variety is hard to find and is said to taste like cinnamon. One kilogram costs 2000 euros.

the most expensive dishes in the world

Now let’s move on to the most expensive fast food dishes. The $ 200 sandwich includes a variety of goodies. Moreover, the main ingredients are truffles, Iberian ham and other similar products.

Completing the list of the most expensive dishes in the world is a hot dog. Dragon Dog costs $ 100. And, of course, extremely expensive products are used for its preparation – lobster meat, marbled beef and even cognac.

It is worth noting that not only food is expensive, but also drinks. For example, one of the restaurants serves coffee, for a cup of which you will have to pay more than $ 100-150. The most expensive type of coffee is considered ready for use after the grains are eaten and digested by animals.

As for wine products, they increase in price over the years. Their cost is influenced by the production, country, rarity of the bottle and many other factors. In the first place is Chateau Lafite. Now this wine is in the wine cellar of the vice president of Forbes. The drink was bought at auction for 160 thousand dollars.

Now you know the most expensive dishes, their names and the reasons for the high cost. If you have the opportunity, then be sure to try them out and share your impressions in the comments. Stay tuned and we will tell you many more interesting facts about the lives of rich people.

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