How to get a second citizenship - ENERGYLINE INVEST

How to get a second citizenship?

To protect personal freedom, many citizens of the post-Soviet space decide to buy a second passport. Even in situations where the state’s borders are closed, people with a second citizenship can simply cross the border.

On our website you can find more detailed information about applying for another citizenship and obtaining a passport from different countries. Now anyone with relatively small capital can get citizenship for a certain amount of money. Some countries offer foreigners a second citizenship through investment in the country’s economy, real estate or business.

Here you can find information on how to obtain citizenship, new reforms of migration legislation, the advantages and disadvantages of one way or another.

How can I get a second citizenship?

Citizens of the former Soviet Union are often asked whether it is possible to obtain a second citizenship? You can obtain another passport automatically as a result of marriage, birth or approval of your application in the appropriate structures.

In some states it is allowed to acquire the citizenship of another country, in their own they retain their current status. In other countries, on the other hand, acquiring a second citizenship is prohibited. If you get a second passport, you will lose your current citizenship. Thus, dual citizenship can only be obtained if the laws of your country allow such manipulations.

How to apply for a second citizenship: benefits

The global situation with the coronavirus has led to the mobility of citizens. More and more people are trying to get a second citizenship. Such an asset retains its value and can be passed on to future generations.

Dual citizenship has a number of advantages, including:

  • personal security,
  • contribution to the future.

How to apply for a second citizenship – you can learn about these and other details of this procedure on our website.

There are cases when you have an important meeting with a business partner, and the visa has not yet been issued. Obtaining a visa is always inconvenient, troublesome and expensive. Most situations of drawing up the necessary documents cost the entrepreneur a fortune.

Citizens are also leaving their country during political unrest. Having obtained a second citizenship, you can be sure of your safety and move to another state at any time.

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